- Keri Berg Yousif
College of Arts & Sciences, Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics
- Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2003.
Major: French literature / nineteenth-century French studies
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: gender studies
Dissertation Title: Fighting for the Page: Balzac, Grandville and the Power of Images, 1830-1848 - M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 1996.
Major: French literature / nineteenth-century French studies
Dissertation Title: Palimpsest and Parody: Villiers de l’Isle-Adam’s L’Eve future - B.A., Baylor University, 1993.
Major: French / Journalism - Junior Year Abroad, La Sorbonne, Paris IV, 1992.
Major: French
- Administrative Activities
- Licensures and Certifications
- Scholarship and Creative Activities
- Librarianship
- Grants, Contracts and Fellowship
- University and Community Service
- Awards and Honors
- Consulting
- Biography and Expertise
Administrative Activities
- Department Chairperson, Acting, Department. (January 1, 2018 - July 1, 2018).
- Department Chairperson, Acting. (May 22, 2017 - July 1, 2017).
- Department Chairperson, Acting, Department. (June 1, 2016 - June 15, 2016).
- Department Chairperson, Interim, Department, No. (August 2012 - May 2013).
- Director, Department, No. (August 2009 - May 2013).
Licensures and Certifications
Scholarship and Creative Activities
Book Review
- Yousif, K. B. (2021). Roman et Caricature au XIXe siècle. 21(185). H-France Review. https://h-france.net/h-france-review/
- Yousif, K. B. (2017). Baudelaire et l'estampe. 46(1-2). Nineteenth-Century French Studies. http://www.ncfs-journal.org/
- Yousif, K. B. (2011). The Stillness of Hadjj Ishmael: Maxime Du Camp’s 1850 Photographic Encounters. 27(4), 389–392. Visual Resources.
- Yousif, K. B. (2011). L’Orphéon du caricaturiste: regards sur la pratique musicale dans les périodiques humoristiques. 39(1-2), 155–156. Nineteenth-Century French Studies.
- Yousif, K. B. (2009). Balzac and the Model of Painting. 82(6), 1320–1321. The French Review.
- Yousif, K. B. (2005). Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées d’Honoré de Balzac: Un roman de l’identité. 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2005), 420–421. Nineteenth-Century French Studies.
- Yousif, K. B. (2005). Weaving Balzac's Web. 3-4, 416–418. Nineteenth-Century French Studies.
Book, Scholarly-New
- Yousif, K. B. (2012). Balzac, Grandville, and the Rise of Book Illustration. Ashgate Press.
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Yousif, K. B. (2019). Cherchez la Femme: Empress Eugénie and the (De) Construction of Empire in Les Rougon- Macquart. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 42(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/08905495.2020.1704162
- Yousif, K. B. (2019). Fame and Foils: Empress Eugénie, Princess Mathilde, and the Boundaries of Biography. Dix-Neuf, 23(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/14787318.2019.1622267
- Yousif, K. B. (2016). Confronting the Clichés of Femininity: Contemporary Photographer Eisner-Kleyle’s We Were Not Born Women. Photography & Culture, 9(3), 255–270. http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rfpc20
- Yousif, K. B. (2014). Face to Face: The Neo-Impressionist Portrait, 1886-1904. Nineteetnth-Century Art Worldwide, 13(2), unpaginated. http://www.19thc-artworldwide.org/index.php/autumn14/yousif-reviews-face-to-face-the-neo-impressionist-portrait
- Yousif, K. B. (2014). Word, Image, Woman: Gavarni’s and the Goncourts’ Portrayal of the Lorette. Image & Narrative, 15(3), 22–37. http://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/issue/view/43
- Yousif, K. B. (2013). Les liaisons dangereuses: Media, Literature, and l’affaire Strauss-Kahn. The French Review, 86(5), 52–65.
- Yousif, K. B. (2008). The Imperialist Lens: Du Camp, Salzmann and Early French Photography. Early Popular Visual Culture, 6(1), 1–18.
- Yousif, K. B. (2007). Taming the Bourgeoisie: Grandville's Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux. EnterText, 7(3), 43–69. http://www.brunel.ac.uk/arts/research/entertext/issues/entertext-19.3
- Yousif, K. B. (2007). Contesting the Page: The Author and the Illustrator in France, 1830-1848. Book History, 10, 69–101.
- Yousif, K. B. (2007). Modernity's Meter: The Caricaturist, 1830-1870. Dix Neuf, 9, 17–32.
- Yousif, K. B. (2023, March). Haute Profiles: Patrick Dunham. Published. https://terrehautevice.com/2023/03/12/haute-profiles-patrick-dunham/
- Yousif, K. B. (2023, March). Mayor's Proposal for Spending $36m in ARPA funding. Published. https://terrehautevice.com/2023/03/19/mayors-proposal-for-spending-36-in-arpa-funding/
- Yousif, K. B. (2023, February). Citizens Request Free Access to Body-Camera Footage at City Council. Published. https://terrehautevice.com/2023/02/07/citizens-request-free-access-to-body-camera-footage-at-city-council/
- Yousif, K. B. (2002). War on the Demolition Men! by Victor Hugo. In The Gothic Revival: 1720-1870 (Vol. vol. 3, pp. 579–610). Helm.
- Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Accelerated Celebrity and the Rise of Biography in France: The Case of Empress Eugénie," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, Geonoa, Italy. (June 2025).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Unbound, "Naturalism's Imaginary Museum," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Virtual. (January 31, 2025).
- Yousif, K. B. (Author), Christie, K. J. (Author & Presenter), Campbell, L. (Author & Presenter), Takahashi, Y. (Author & Presenter), Indiana Foreign Language Teachers' Association Annual Conference, "Culture Across Languages: Building a Thematic Cultural Project in Beginning Courses," IFLTA, Indianapolis. (November 1, 2024).
- Yousif, K. B. (Author), Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Trans-Mémoire(s): Princess Mathilde and the Boundaries of Memory and Representation," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, Cincinnati. (March 2024).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "The Power of Blame: Empress Eugénie and La Débâcle," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Washington D.C. (October 1, 2021).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Imagining a Life: Empress Eugénie, Biography, and the Enchantment of Illustration," Florida State University, Florida State University. (October 2019).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Fame and Foils: Empress Eugénie and Princess Mathilde," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Los Angeles. (October 2018).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Illustration in the Classroom: Perrault and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture," University of California Riverside, Los Angeles, CA. (October 2018).
- Yousif, K. B., Foundational Studies Annual Celebration, "Foundational Studies: Facts, Fiction, and the Teacher," University College, Indiana State University. (April 2018).
- Yousif, K. B., Women's History Month Colloquium, "Feminist Pedagogy Luncheon & Salon," Gender Studies Program, Indiana State University. (March 2018).
- Yousif, K. B., Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Annual Conference, "Reimagining the Profession: Baudelaire and Teaching French in 2017," Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association, Indianapolis. (November 2017).
- Yousif, K. B., Ninteenth-Century French Studies Annual Conference, ""Un peu las": Zola's Fashioning of the Empress Eugénie," University of Virginia. (November 2017).
- Yousif, K. B., American Association of French Teachers Annual Convention, "Teaching French in the 21st Century: A Baudelairien Survival Guide," St. Louis, MO. (July 2017).
- Yousif, K. B., South Central Modern Language Association, "Seen but not Heard: Zola, the Empres Eugénie, and the Gender Politics of Fame," Women in French, Dallas, TX. (November 2016).
- Yousif, K. B., Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages & Literatures, "Cherchez la femme: Emile Zola’s Portrait of Napoléon III," University of Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati. (April 2015).
- Yousif, K. B., Women's History Month Colloquium, "Portraits of Power: The Empress Eugénie (1853-1870)," Indiana State University, Indiana State University. (March 2015).
- Yousif, K. B., Work-Life Integration Conference, "Iconoclast: Reimagining the Iconography of Motherhood," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (October 2013).
- Yousif, K. B., Department of French and Italian Speaker Series, "Un esprit maladivement littéaire: J. J. Grandville and the Writer in Nineteenth-Century France," University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX. (April 2013).
- Yousif, K. B., Modern Language Association, "We Were Not Born Women: Beauvoir, Contemporary Photography, and the Artifacts of Gender," MLA, Boston, MA. (January 2013).
- Yousif, K. B., Worth a Thousand Words: At the Intersections of Literature and the Visual Arts, "Word, Image, Woman: Gavarni's and the Goncourts' Portrayal of La Lorette," Radboud University, the Netherlands. (October 2012).
- Yousif, K. B., Crime, Media, and Popular Culture Conference, "L'Affaire Strauss-Kahn: The Dangerous Liaisons of Media, Narrative, and Crime," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (September 2011).
- Yousif, K. B., Swope Art Museum Gallery Talk, "Beauvoir, Photography, and the Artifacts of Gender," Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, IN. (September 2011).
- Yousif, K. B., Mid-East Honors Association Annual Conference, "Baudelaire's Infinity of Delight: Seeing Beyond the I," MEHA, Louisville, KY. (March 2010).
- Yousif, K. B., Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, "L'Habit ne fait pas l'épicier: Social Portraiture in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes," University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (April 2009).
- Yousif, K. B., Women's Studies Annual Reception, "Cleopatra for a Day: Empress Eugénie and the Opening of the Suez Canal," Women's Studies Program, Indiana State University. (April 2009).
- Yousif, K. B., University Honors Seminar, "Get a Room: Woolf and Chopin," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2009).
- Yousif, K. B., Landini Memorial Speakers Series, "Under the Crinoline: Empress Eugénie and Photography," Department of English, Indiana State University. (January 2009).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies, "Cleopatra for a Day: Empress Eugénie and the Opening of the Suez Canal," Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. (October 2008).
- Yousif, K. B., LLL 600: Topics in LLL, "The Poet in the Classroom," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2008).
- Yousif, K. B., Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, "The Marked Caricaturist: J. J. Grandville, Popular Imagery and the Writer in Nineteenth-Century France," University of Kentucky, Lexington, KT. (April 2008).
- Yousif, K. B., War in Film Series, "La Grande Illusion," Cunningham Memorial Library/Department of History, Indiana State University. (March 2008).
- Yousif, K. B., LLL 600: Current Topics in Languages, "Calligrammes: The Language Student as Poet," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2007).
- Yousif, K. B., Inderdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Under the Crinoline: Empress Eugénie and Photography," University of Missouri, Kansas City. (April 2007).
- Yousif, K. B., Always On Friday, "A Pen(cil) in the Back: Artistic Rivalry in Nineteenth-Century France," Department of English, Indiana State University. (November 2006).
- Yousif, K. B., Midwest Modern Language Association, "Between High and Low: Exploring the Boundaries of the Illustrated Text," Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago. (November 2006).
- Yousif, K. B., Tournées Film Festival, "L'esquive," Dept. of LLL/Library, ISU. (November 2006).
- Yousif, K. B., Inquiry-based strategies, "Immigrant Voices," Center for Instruction, Research and Technology, ISU. (September 2006).
- Yousif, K. B., Society for French Historical Studies, "Archaeologies from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Century," University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (April 2006).
- Yousif, K. B., Midwest Modern Language Association Convention, "Taming the Bourgeoisie: Grandville’s Scenes from the Public and Private Life of Animals," Midwest Modern Language Association, Milwaukee, WI. (November 2005).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies, "Monuments of the Past: Du Camp, Salzmann and Nineteenth-Century Photography," University of Texas , Austin, Austin, TX. (October 2005).
- Yousif, K. B., LLL 600, ""The Poet in the Language Classroom"," Department of Languages, Indiana State University. (September 2005).
- Yousif, K. B., Modernism Workshop, "Photographing the Orient: Du Camp’s Egypt," University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (September 2005).
- Yousif, K. B., April in Paris, ""La mode, le week-end et la bouffe"," Cunnigham Memorial Library, Indiana State University. (April 2005).
- Yousif, K. B., Paris in Literature, Art, and Film, "Paris, ville surréelle," Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL. (November 15, 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association, "Family Values: Napoleon III, Photography and Portraits of Empire," Washington University, St. Louis, MO. (October 30, 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., City Limits, The European City, 1400-1900, "Off the Map: Mobility and the Reading of Pairs, 1830-1848," University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada. (October 3, 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., LLL 600, "Sex and the City: Baudelaire’s Paris,” LLL600," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., Art and Literature in Paris and Berlin, "Sex, Lies and Swearing, Céline’s Voyage au bout de la nuit,” ART290H," DePauw University, Greencastle, IN. (April 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., Modernism Workshop, "Balzac’s Bad Boys of Modernity: The Caricaturist and the Criminal," DePauw University. (April 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., DePauw University Faculty Research Colloquium, "Friend or Foe? Balzac, Grandville and Artistic Rivalry in Nineteenth-Century France," DePauw University. (March 2004).
- Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association, "Characters of Change / A Change of Character: Balzac’s Criminal and his Double, the Caricaturist," University of Arizona. (October 2003).
- Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "La Lorette’s Rival Pimps: Gavarni, Les Goncourt and the Selling of Sex," University of California, Santa Cruz. (March 2003).
- Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Pedagogy, Parody and Popular Culture: The Case of Balzac, Grandville and les physiologies," George Mason University. (April 2002).
Grants, Contracts and Fellowship
- Wurtz, J. F., Yousif, K. B., "Connecting Through Culture: The Sycamore Humanity Institute," Sponsored by NEH, Federal, $25,000.00. (2024 - Present).
- Yousif, K. B., "Tournées Francophone Film Festival," Sponsored by French American Cultural Exchange, Other, $2,000.00. (September 2017 - January 2018).
- Yousif, K. B., "University Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (January 2014 - May 2017).
- Yousif, K. B. (Co-Principal), Rider, N. A. (Co-Principal), "Short-term study abroad program grant," Sponsored by Office of International Programs and Services, Indiana State University, $17,000.00. (January 2013 - June 2013).
- Yousif, K. B., "Undergraduate Research Assistant," Sponsored by Center for Student Research and Creativity, Indiana State University, $500.00. (February 2012 - May 2012).
- Yousif, K. B., "Book Subvention Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $1,300.00. (October 2011 - January 2012).
- Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Charlotte Zietlow Women Faculty Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (May 2008 - December 2008).
- Chrisman, J. (Supporting), Kirsop, E. (Supporting), Kelly, J. (Supporting), Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Undergraduate Fellowships for the Center for Local History and Culture," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,250.00. (January 2008 - August 2008).
- Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant," Sponsored by Center for Public Service and Community Engagement, Indiana State University, $3,585.00. (January 2007 - May 2007).
- Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "International Travel Grant," Sponsored by Office of International Affairs, Indiana State University, $1,000.00. (January 2007 - May 2007).
- Yousif, K. B. (Co-Principal), Mehrens, C. (Co-Principal), "Tournées Film Festival," Sponsored by French American Cultural Exchange, Other, $1,800.00. (August 2006 - December 2006).
- Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "University Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $5,500.00. (January 2006 - July 2006).
- Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Information Technology Innovations Mini-Grant," Sponsored by Department of Information Technology, Indiana State University, $2,500.00. (November 2004 - January 2005).
University and Community Service
- Chair, Faculty Senate. (May 2021 - May 2022).
- Member, Foundational Studies Council. (May 2024 - May 2026).
- Member, Academic Strategic Planning Committee. (January 2021 - September 2022).
- Member, University Honors College Council. (August 2020 - May 2022).
- Member, Faculty Senate. (May 2020 - May 2022).
- Member, Charlotte Zietlow Endowed Grant Committee. (January 2015 - January 2022).
- Member, Caleb Mills Dinstinguished Teaching Award Committee. (January 2017 - January 2019).
- Member, Presidential Transition Team. (November 2017 - May 2018).
- Member, Faculty Senate. (August 2016 - May 2018).
- Member, Presidential Strategic Planning Committee. (September 2015 - January 2016).
- Member, Faculty Senate, Executive Committee. (August 2013 - July 2015).
- Member, Faculty Senate. (August 2011 - May 2015).
- Member, Foundational Studies Council. (August 2014 - January 2015).
- Member, Department Success University Task Force. (August 2013 - August 2014).
- Member, University Arts Endowment Committee. (February 2012 - January 2014).
- Member, Women of Indiana State Scholarship Committee. (May 2009 - January 2014).
- Member, Quality of Life Committee (ISU Strategic Plan). (August 2009 - May 2013).
- Member, General Education Council. (August 2008 - May 2010).
- Member, University Honors Advisory Committee. (September 2006 - May 2010).
- Member, Honors Search Committee. (May 2006 - June 2006).
- Peer observer for University College courses, University College. (January 2017 - June 2017).
- Co-Organizer/leader, Short-term study abroad trip: Paris and Berlin. (August 2012 - May 2013).
- Member, The Good Life and the Good Community: Migration, ISU Faculty Learning Community. (September 2004 - May 2005).
- Secretary, Student Affairs Committee. (August 2022 - May 2023).
Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org)
- Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), University Honors Program Journal. (August 2007 - May 2010).
- Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), President's Scholars Mentor. (August 2005 - May 2010).
- Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), Honors Study Abroad Trip. (November 2006 - May 2007).
Vice Chair
- Vice Chair, Faculty Senate. (May 2020 - May 2021).
- Vice Chair, ISU Chapter of AAUP. (August 2012 - May 2013).
- Volunteer Docent, Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2022 - Present).
- Committee Member, St. Patrick's School Commission, Terre Haute, IN. (January 2022 - Present).
- Officer, President/Elect/Past, Farrington's Grove Historical District, Inc., Terre Haute, IN. (April 2024 - April 2025).
- Board Member, Farrington's Grove Historical District Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2019 - April 2025).
- Officer, Treasurer, Farrington's Grove Historical District Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2019 - April 2024).
- Committee Member, St. Patrick's School Principal Search Committee, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2023 - June 2023).
- Volunteer Assistant Youth Soccer Coach, Vigo County Youth Soccer Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2022 - May 2023).
- Volunteer Teacher, St. Patrick's School, Terre Haute, IN. (August 2018 - November 2018).
- Volunteer French Teacher, St. Patrick's School, Terre Haute. (January 2016 - June 2016).
- Guest Speaker, French story time, ISU ECEC. (April 2013).
- Guest Speaker, French story time, ISU ECEC. (April 2011).
- Pro Bono Professional Service, Meadow's Elementary School. (January 2006 - June 2008).
- Committee Member, Terre Haute Community Theater International Film Festival. (May 2006 - May 2008).
- tutor for ESL, ESL Volunteer Tutor, Vigo County Library. (August 2004 - May 2005).
Awards and Honors
- University Honors College Faculty of the Year. (April 2018).
- Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award. (April 14, 2016).
- Outstanding Faculty Member, First-Year Students. (May 2013).
- Nominee, U.S. Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (April 2013).
- Faculty of the Year, University Honors Program. (May 2009).
- Teaching Award, First-Year Programs. (April 2006).
- Professor of the Month, Zeta Tau Alpha. (May 4, 2005).
- Academic, AP exams. (June 6, 2009 - June 10, 2009).
- Academic, AP Exams, Louisville, Kentucky. (June 5, 2008 - June 11, 2008).
Biography and Expertise
- Keri Yousif is professor of French. Her research in nineteenth-century French studies focuses on literature and popular visual culture. She teaches courses in French language, literature, and world literature.