1. Keri Berg Yousif
    College of Arts & Sciences, Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics


  1. Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2003.
    Major: French literature / nineteenth-century French studies
    Supporting Areas of Emphasis: gender studies
    Dissertation Title: Fighting for the Page: Balzac, Grandville and the Power of Images, 1830-1848
  2. M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 1996.
    Major: French literature / nineteenth-century French studies
    Dissertation Title: Palimpsest and Parody: Villiers de l’Isle-Adam’s L’Eve future
  3. B.A., Baylor University, 1993.
    Major: French / Journalism
  4. Junior Year Abroad, La Sorbonne, Paris IV, 1992.
    Major: French

Administrative Activities

  1. Department Chairperson, Acting, Department. (January 1, 2018 - July 1, 2018).
  2. Department Chairperson, Acting. (May 22, 2017 - July 1, 2017).
  3. Department Chairperson, Acting, Department. (June 1, 2016 - June 15, 2016).
  4. Department Chairperson, Interim, Department, No. (August 2012 - May 2013).
  5. Director, Department, No. (August 2009 - May 2013).

Licensures and Certifications

Scholarship and Creative Activities


  1. Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Accelerated Celebrity and the Rise of Biography in France: The Case of Empress Eugénie," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, Geonoa, Italy. (June 2025).
  2. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Unbound, "Naturalism's Imaginary Museum," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Virtual. (January 31, 2025).
  3. Yousif, K. B. (Author), Christie, K. J. (Author & Presenter), Campbell, L. (Author & Presenter), Takahashi, Y. (Author & Presenter), Indiana Foreign Language Teachers' Association Annual Conference, "Culture Across Languages: Building a Thematic Cultural Project in Beginning Courses," IFLTA, Indianapolis. (November 1, 2024).
  4. Yousif, K. B. (Author), Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Trans-Mémoire(s): Princess Mathilde and the Boundaries of Memory and Representation," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, Cincinnati. (March 2024).
  5. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "The Power of Blame: Empress Eugénie and La Débâcle," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Washington D.C. (October 1, 2021).
  6. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Imagining a Life: Empress Eugénie, Biography, and the Enchantment of Illustration," Florida State University, Florida State University. (October 2019).
  7. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Fame and Foils: Empress Eugénie and Princess Mathilde," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Los Angeles. (October 2018).
  8. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Annual Colloquium, "Illustration in the Classroom: Perrault and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture," University of California Riverside, Los Angeles, CA. (October 2018).
  9. Yousif, K. B., Foundational Studies Annual Celebration, "Foundational Studies: Facts, Fiction, and the Teacher," University College, Indiana State University. (April 2018).
  10. Yousif, K. B., Women's History Month Colloquium, "Feminist Pedagogy Luncheon & Salon," Gender Studies Program, Indiana State University. (March 2018).
  11. Yousif, K. B., Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Annual Conference, "Reimagining the Profession: Baudelaire and Teaching French in 2017," Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association, Indianapolis. (November 2017).
  12. Yousif, K. B., Ninteenth-Century French Studies Annual Conference, ""Un peu las": Zola's Fashioning of the Empress Eugénie," University of Virginia. (November 2017).
  13. Yousif, K. B., American Association of French Teachers Annual Convention, "Teaching French in the 21st Century: A Baudelairien Survival Guide," St. Louis, MO. (July 2017).
  14. Yousif, K. B., South Central Modern Language Association, "Seen but not Heard: Zola, the Empres Eugénie, and the Gender Politics of Fame," Women in French, Dallas, TX. (November 2016).
  15. Yousif, K. B., Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages & Literatures, "Cherchez la femme: Emile Zola’s Portrait of Napoléon III," University of Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati. (April 2015).
  16. Yousif, K. B., Women's History Month Colloquium, "Portraits of Power: The Empress Eugénie (1853-1870)," Indiana State University, Indiana State University. (March 2015).
  17. Yousif, K. B., Work-Life Integration Conference, "Iconoclast: Reimagining the Iconography of Motherhood," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (October 2013).
  18. Yousif, K. B., Department of French and Italian Speaker Series, "Un esprit maladivement littéaire: J. J. Grandville and the Writer in Nineteenth-Century France," University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX. (April 2013).
  19. Yousif, K. B., Modern Language Association, "We Were Not Born Women: Beauvoir, Contemporary Photography, and the Artifacts of Gender," MLA, Boston, MA. (January 2013).
  20. Yousif, K. B., Worth a Thousand Words: At the Intersections of Literature and the Visual Arts, "Word, Image, Woman: Gavarni's and the Goncourts' Portrayal of La Lorette," Radboud University, the Netherlands. (October 2012).
  21. Yousif, K. B., Crime, Media, and Popular Culture Conference, "L'Affaire Strauss-Kahn: The Dangerous Liaisons of Media, Narrative, and Crime," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (September 2011).
  22. Yousif, K. B., Swope Art Museum Gallery Talk, "Beauvoir, Photography, and the Artifacts of Gender," Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, IN. (September 2011).
  23. Yousif, K. B., Mid-East Honors Association Annual Conference, "Baudelaire's Infinity of Delight: Seeing Beyond the I," MEHA, Louisville, KY. (March 2010).
  24. Yousif, K. B., Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, "L'Habit ne fait pas l'épicier: Social Portraiture in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes," University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. (April 2009).
  25. Yousif, K. B., Women's Studies Annual Reception, "Cleopatra for a Day: Empress Eugénie and the Opening of the Suez Canal," Women's Studies Program, Indiana State University. (April 2009).
  26. Yousif, K. B., University Honors Seminar, "Get a Room: Woolf and Chopin," Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2009).
  27. Yousif, K. B., Landini Memorial Speakers Series, "Under the Crinoline: Empress Eugénie and Photography," Department of English, Indiana State University. (January 2009).
  28. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies, "Cleopatra for a Day: Empress Eugénie and the Opening of the Suez Canal," Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. (October 2008).
  29. Yousif, K. B., LLL 600: Topics in LLL, "The Poet in the Classroom," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2008).
  30. Yousif, K. B., Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, "The Marked Caricaturist: J. J. Grandville, Popular Imagery and the Writer in Nineteenth-Century France," University of Kentucky, Lexington, KT. (April 2008).
  31. Yousif, K. B., War in Film Series, "La Grande Illusion," Cunningham Memorial Library/Department of History, Indiana State University. (March 2008).
  32. Yousif, K. B., LLL 600: Current Topics in Languages, "Calligrammes: The Language Student as Poet," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2007).
  33. Yousif, K. B., Inderdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Under the Crinoline: Empress Eugénie and Photography," University of Missouri, Kansas City. (April 2007).
  34. Yousif, K. B., Always On Friday, "A Pen(cil) in the Back: Artistic Rivalry in Nineteenth-Century France," Department of English, Indiana State University. (November 2006).
  35. Yousif, K. B., Midwest Modern Language Association, "Between High and Low: Exploring the Boundaries of the Illustrated Text," Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago. (November 2006).
  36. Yousif, K. B., Tournées Film Festival, "L'esquive," Dept. of LLL/Library, ISU. (November 2006).
  37. Yousif, K. B., Inquiry-based strategies, "Immigrant Voices," Center for Instruction, Research and Technology, ISU. (September 2006).
  38. Yousif, K. B., Society for French Historical Studies, "Archaeologies from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Century," University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (April 2006).
  39. Yousif, K. B., Midwest Modern Language Association Convention, "Taming the Bourgeoisie: Grandville’s Scenes from the Public and Private Life of Animals," Midwest Modern Language Association, Milwaukee, WI. (November 2005).
  40. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies, "Monuments of the Past: Du Camp, Salzmann and Nineteenth-Century Photography," University of Texas , Austin, Austin, TX. (October 2005).
  41. Yousif, K. B., LLL 600, ""The Poet in the Language Classroom"," Department of Languages, Indiana State University. (September 2005).
  42. Yousif, K. B., Modernism Workshop, "Photographing the Orient: Du Camp’s Egypt," University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (September 2005).
  43. Yousif, K. B., April in Paris, ""La mode, le week-end et la bouffe"," Cunnigham Memorial Library, Indiana State University. (April 2005).
  44. Yousif, K. B., Paris in Literature, Art, and Film, "Paris, ville surréelle," Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL. (November 15, 2004).
  45. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association, "Family Values: Napoleon III, Photography and Portraits of Empire," Washington University, St. Louis, MO. (October 30, 2004).
  46. Yousif, K. B., City Limits, The European City, 1400-1900, "Off the Map: Mobility and the Reading of Pairs, 1830-1848," University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada. (October 3, 2004).
  47. Yousif, K. B., LLL 600, "Sex and the City: Baudelaire’s Paris,” LLL600," Department of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, Indiana State University. (September 2004).
  48. Yousif, K. B., Art and Literature in Paris and Berlin, "Sex, Lies and Swearing, Céline’s Voyage au bout de la nuit,” ART290H," DePauw University, Greencastle, IN. (April 2004).
  49. Yousif, K. B., Modernism Workshop, "Balzac’s Bad Boys of Modernity: The Caricaturist and the Criminal," DePauw University. (April 2004).
  50. Yousif, K. B., DePauw University Faculty Research Colloquium, "Friend or Foe? Balzac, Grandville and Artistic Rivalry in Nineteenth-Century France," DePauw University. (March 2004).
  51. Yousif, K. B., Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association, "Characters of Change / A Change of Character: Balzac’s Criminal and his Double, the Caricaturist," University of Arizona. (October 2003).
  52. Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "La Lorette’s Rival Pimps: Gavarni, Les Goncourt and the Selling of Sex," University of California, Santa Cruz. (March 2003).
  53. Yousif, K. B., Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, "Pedagogy, Parody and Popular Culture: The Case of Balzac, Grandville and les physiologies," George Mason University. (April 2002).


Grants, Contracts and Fellowship

  1. Wurtz, J. F., Yousif, K. B., "Connecting Through Culture: The Sycamore Humanity Institute," Sponsored by NEH, Federal, $25,000.00. (2024 - Present).
  2. Yousif, K. B., "Tournées Francophone Film Festival," Sponsored by French American Cultural Exchange, Other, $2,000.00. (September 2017 - January 2018).
  3. Yousif, K. B., "University Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (January 2014 - May 2017).
  4. Yousif, K. B. (Co-Principal), Rider, N. A. (Co-Principal), "Short-term study abroad program grant," Sponsored by Office of International Programs and Services, Indiana State University, $17,000.00. (January 2013 - June 2013).
  5. Yousif, K. B., "Undergraduate Research Assistant," Sponsored by Center for Student Research and Creativity, Indiana State University, $500.00. (February 2012 - May 2012).
  6. Yousif, K. B., "Book Subvention Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $1,300.00. (October 2011 - January 2012).
  7. Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Charlotte Zietlow Women Faculty Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,000.00. (May 2008 - December 2008).
  8. Chrisman, J. (Supporting), Kirsop, E. (Supporting), Kelly, J. (Supporting), Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Undergraduate Fellowships for the Center for Local History and Culture," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $2,250.00. (January 2008 - August 2008).
  9. Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant," Sponsored by Center for Public Service and Community Engagement, Indiana State University, $3,585.00. (January 2007 - May 2007).
  10. Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "International Travel Grant," Sponsored by Office of International Affairs, Indiana State University, $1,000.00. (January 2007 - May 2007).
  11. Yousif, K. B. (Co-Principal), Mehrens, C. (Co-Principal), "Tournées Film Festival," Sponsored by French American Cultural Exchange, Other, $1,800.00. (August 2006 - December 2006).
  12. Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "University Research Grant," Sponsored by Indiana State University, Indiana State University, $5,500.00. (January 2006 - July 2006).
  13. Yousif, K. B. (Principal), "Information Technology Innovations Mini-Grant," Sponsored by Department of Information Technology, Indiana State University, $2,500.00. (November 2004 - January 2005).

University  and Community Service

  • Chair

    1. Chair, Faculty Senate. (May 2021 - May 2022).
  • Member

    1. Member, Foundational Studies Council. (May 2024 - May 2026).
    2. Member, Academic Strategic Planning Committee. (January 2021 - September 2022).
    3. Member, University Honors College Council. (August 2020 - May 2022).
    4. Member, Faculty Senate. (May 2020 - May 2022).
    5. Member, Charlotte Zietlow Endowed Grant Committee. (January 2015 - January 2022).
    6. Member, Caleb Mills Dinstinguished Teaching Award Committee. (January 2017 - January 2019).
    7. Member, Presidential Transition Team. (November 2017 - May 2018).
    8. Member, Faculty Senate. (August 2016 - May 2018).
    9. Member, Presidential Strategic Planning Committee. (September 2015 - January 2016).
    10. Member, Faculty Senate, Executive Committee. (August 2013 - July 2015).
    11. Member, Faculty Senate. (August 2011 - May 2015).
    12. Member, Foundational Studies Council. (August 2014 - January 2015).
    13. Member, Department Success University Task Force. (August 2013 - August 2014).
    14. Member, University Arts Endowment Committee. (February 2012 - January 2014).
    15. Member, Women of Indiana State Scholarship Committee. (May 2009 - January 2014).
    16. Member, Quality of Life Committee (ISU Strategic Plan). (August 2009 - May 2013).
    17. Member, General Education Council. (August 2008 - May 2010).
    18. Member, University Honors Advisory Committee. (September 2006 - May 2010).
    19. Member, Honors Search Committee. (May 2006 - June 2006).
  • Other

    1. Peer observer for University College courses, University College. (January 2017 - June 2017).
    2. Co-Organizer/leader, Short-term study abroad trip: Paris and Berlin. (August 2012 - May 2013).
    3. Member, The Good Life and the Good Community: Migration, ISU Faculty Learning Community. (September 2004 - May 2005).
  • Secretary

    1. Secretary, Student Affairs Committee. (August 2022 - May 2023).
  • Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org)

    1. Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), University Honors Program Journal. (August 2007 - May 2010).
    2. Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), President's Scholars Mentor. (August 2005 - May 2010).
    3. Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), Honors Study Abroad Trip. (November 2006 - May 2007).
  • Vice Chair

    1. Vice Chair, Faculty Senate. (May 2020 - May 2021).
    2. Vice Chair, ISU Chapter of AAUP. (August 2012 - May 2013).
  1. Volunteer Docent, Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2022 - Present).
  2. Committee Member, St. Patrick's School Commission, Terre Haute, IN. (January 2022 - Present).
  3. Officer, President/Elect/Past, Farrington's Grove Historical District, Inc., Terre Haute, IN. (April 2024 - April 2025).
  4. Board Member, Farrington's Grove Historical District Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2019 - April 2025).
  5. Officer, Treasurer, Farrington's Grove Historical District Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2019 - April 2024).
  6. Committee Member, St. Patrick's School Principal Search Committee, Terre Haute, IN. (March 2023 - June 2023).
  7. Volunteer Assistant Youth Soccer Coach, Vigo County Youth Soccer Association, Terre Haute, IN. (April 2022 - May 2023).
  8. Volunteer Teacher, St. Patrick's School, Terre Haute, IN. (August 2018 - November 2018).
  9. Volunteer French Teacher, St. Patrick's School, Terre Haute. (January 2016 - June 2016).
  10. Guest Speaker, French story time, ISU ECEC. (April 2013).
  11. Guest Speaker, French story time, ISU ECEC. (April 2011).
  12. Pro Bono Professional Service, Meadow's Elementary School. (January 2006 - June 2008).
  13. Committee Member, Terre Haute Community Theater International Film Festival. (May 2006 - May 2008).
  14. tutor for ESL, ESL Volunteer Tutor, Vigo County Library. (August 2004 - May 2005).

Awards and Honors

  1. University Honors College Faculty of the Year. (April 2018).
  2. Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award. (April 14, 2016).
  3. Outstanding Faculty Member, First-Year Students. (May 2013).
  4. Nominee, U.S. Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (April 2013).
  5. Faculty of the Year, University Honors Program. (May 2009).
  6. Teaching Award, First-Year Programs. (April 2006).
  7. Professor of the Month, Zeta Tau Alpha. (May 4, 2005).


  1. Academic, AP exams. (June 6, 2009 - June 10, 2009).
  2. Academic, AP Exams, Louisville, Kentucky. (June 5, 2008 - June 11, 2008).

Biography and Expertise

  1. Keri Yousif is professor of French. Her research in nineteenth-century French studies focuses on literature and popular visual culture. She teaches courses in French language, literature, and world literature.